We all know that people with Big Butts Cannot Lie thanks to Sir Mix-A-lot. But, apparently lots of people were offended by the big, beautiful, curvy butt belonging to the very sassy and curvy singer, songwriter and video blogger Meghan Tonjes which led to Instagram removing her very PG rated picture of her adorable bum. Then they apologized! Yes, Instagram apologized. Here’s the story from Today.com with the info about the apology.
I shared this info on my Curvy Girl Lingerie Facebook page and one of my customers suggested that we should all post pics of our big butts on Facebook and Instagram and I decided that is a GREAT idea. (And I am not ashamed to say most of my really good ideas come from my customers and followers!)
An idea was born! I want to flood our various Social sites, blogs, and vlogs with our big butts today and all week long! ALL women’s bodies deserve to be celebrated and truly, all bodies are beautiful – I don’t care if you are size 2 or a size 32. You are beautiful and deserving of love and admiration. No one is required to conform to what the media considers to be attractive. Let’s celebrate and show off our fine asses!
#bootyrevolution was started by Meghan and now we want to invite all of the body positive bloggers out there to join us and show solidarity. Share your big butt pic and invite your followers to share their big or small butts and tell the social sites like Facebook, Instagram and other sites that it’s time to stop the body discrimination. I see it constantly on our Curvy Girl Facebook page. Our pics get flagged by our haters constantly and I have personally been banned several times for 7 days and 30 days and I often wonder if we were posting pictures of thinner women in lingerie – would we get flagged or banned at all? Or is the social media world just not ready for fat bodies in lingerie?
Last Friday, I emailed my plus size / body positive blogger friends and invited all of them to do the same. We are all sharing pics of our big, curvy butts and inviting our followers on FB, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler and other social sites to SHOW off an CELEBRATE our big, round, curvy butts. This is all going on at 3pm Pacific on Tuesday the 27th. Please use the hashtag #bootyrevolution and #bigbuttsunite .
Personally, I have had a very long LOVE/HATE relationship with my big ass. But, in the past 10 to 15 years it’s more of a LOVE FEST. Learning to embrace my curves, big butt and all has been a life long journey. These days I mostly focus on the really positive things my big, strong, healthy body can do for me. And, if you ever piss me off – BOOTY BUMP and my powerful butt will SHUT YOU DOWN. I have a lot of strength in my lower body and I use that to my advantage when I need it. Front door sticks? No problem. Booty bump!!
I know some pretty amazing fat and curvy women and as soon as I shared this idea with them, they were IMMEDIATELY all “HELL YES, Let’s show some solidarity and support Meghan” and let’s do this. Let’s take over all social media with a BLITZ of BIG BUTTS!
Here are some links to my #bootyrevolution sisters :
Mother of Ambition – http://www.motherofambition.
Curvy Girl – https://curvygirlinc.com/big-
Plus Size Mommy Memoirs – http://plussizebirth.com/love-
The Militant Baker : http://www.themilitantbaker.
Virgie Tovar :http://www.virgietovar.com/
Jennifer Chambers : http://jenniferbchambersauthor.blogspot.com/2014/05/bootyrevolution-bigbuttsunite.html
And ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Here is my BIG BOOTY special for you all. I put the THONG over my big booty so I don’t get banned from social media. 🙂
- #bootyrevolution #bigbuttsunite