I would LOVE to write a sponsored blog post or share your product on my Curvy Girl page.
My rates for these types of sponsored posts and my other blog posts / newsletters is here.

I would LOVE to write a sponsored blog post or share your product on my Curvy Girl page.
My rates for these types of sponsored posts and my other blog posts / newsletters is here.
BMI is BSThe B.M.I. is a complete B.S. and even the scientific and medical community know that and continue to use it 200 years after it was invented.
You can check out my other videos other fat products, fat interviews, and fat liberation.
This is such a fantastic article from Prevention, I wanted to share with all of you:
ow-fat, low-carb, Paleo, keto, South Beach, intermittent fasting—the list goes on. Given that our culture idealizes thinness and shuns larger bodies, it’s not surprising that nearly one in five midlife women has dieted in the past few years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This is from my YouTube channel : www.YouTube.com/FatProductReview
I wrote this for Medium. I thought you all would enjoy it, too.
This is Why You Need These 4 Sex Toys To Watch Bridgerton
If you haven’t watched Bridgerton, I highly recommend it for its pure escapism.
I wrote this for Medium, but wanted to share it here since it has to do with how I was fatshamed and how I had to ADVOCATE for myself when I had my recent radical hysterectomy:
Fat Bias During My Radical Hysterectomy
View at Medium.com
I bet millions of you have had similar experiences from your medical provider.