21Squared has exciting news for us Android users!
Our Android development team is kicking off the development of 21Squared #theCurvyApp Android App! Now you can invite all your friends who use Android to join the curvy community as early supporters! It is very important that you are involved in creating our community together!
You will earn rewards by help bring the community together via personalized share link. In order to participate, please signup below:
You will receive occasional development update and announcement emails.
We hope you are super excited as we are!
I have my own link if you want to use mine to sign up under: https://signup.21squared.com/android-thanks?kolid=SZH91
As you all know by now, I am pretty stoked about their app. It is going to be the first app that I know of that helps make shopping online so much easier for all of us. I don’t know about you, but I HATE returning stuff. Using their app when you shop will help you to make better decisions about what sizes to buy online.
Here is another blog I wrote about this app here. Once you sign up, you will get the best emails EVER!