Curvy Girl Lingerie
Hey there, just thought I would put everything in one place. Somehow, our Facebook “fans” don’t realize we have a brick and mortar plus size lingerie store. And, some of our fans do not realize we have an online store. So, I thought I would just lay it all out here and put everything in one place.
Our plus size lingerie store is in San Jose. I believe we are the second ever plus size lingerie in the country. (We ONLY sell plus size lingerie. Nothing under a size 12/14.)
Our plus size store is at 1535 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
We do sell our lingerie online here : http://goodsie.com/store/curvygirllingerie
You can also shop and buy our lingerie on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/CurvyGirlInc/app_125376930904526
You may have heard I have been selling sex toys for the past 10+ years. And, I still do that, just not at the store. I have been doing pleasure parties I call Bliss Parties all over the Bay Area since 2003. My pleasure party company is called www.BlissPartiesInc.com and we can do a private pleasure party at our store, too. And, we still do them in our customer’s homes. You can call the store for more information at 408-264-4227
If you want to shop for our sex toys, you can browse our online store www.BlissConnection.com and our Curvy customers can use the coupon code CURVY for 15% off and free shipping on purchases over $45.
I also have a Bliss blog and podcast. www.Bliss-Radio.com and my “Better Sex Radio” podcasts can be found on www.BlissoniTunes.com
That’s a lot, I know. But, thought it might be helpful to have it all in one place for you.
If you need any more info about any of it or want to chat, call me at the store .
Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon www.facebook.com/curvygirlinc