Donate your gently worn bras.
Ok, ladies, I know you have some gently worn bras laying around. In your drawers, hanging in your closets and maybe even some of them still have the tags on them. Curvy women are notoriously bad at keeping outrbras and foundations up to date. If you have any extra bras you would like to donate, please stop by the store between now and Feb. 20th.
We will ship them all to https://www.facebook.com/BeaDearandDonateaBrassiere in Mountain View on the 21st of February.
I grabbed this information from their Facebook page. If you are not in the San Jose are and have some bras you would like to donate, you can mail them to our store or you can mail them directly to Be a Dear’s PO Box info I included here for you. (And, we are accepting all bras… big or small. Pretty or sporty. Gently worn or new.)
I love having a brick and mortar for this very reason! We have a fun spot to create community and do some good. You ladies and gents are always so super generous. I am sure out store will be brimming with bras very soon. They go to a great cause and there will be lots of lovely ladies out there feeling very UPLIFTED because of your generosity. (Oh, and hopefully I don’t need to say this – but please don’t donate anything way too worn out or used. We want to make the women who receive these feel beautiful and happy!)
“10,298 bras donated for women in need. Let’s fill every cup! Click on the About link for drop off locations and mailing address.
Bras for women who can use our SUPPORT! Our mission is to impact on the daily lives of women in transition by providing needed essential undergarments and informing and activating small communities of women and men to share, recycle and volunteer.
Help those in need by donating bras that no longer fit. Homeless women frequently request bras from shelter staff but they don’t have their size. We are collecting All sizes, styles, and colors for donation.
If you need more information please email onebraone@gmail.com for a hookup.
General Information
We are grassroots and do not have a non-profit tax id or an office. At this time we cannot provide receipts. We post on the page when we can about deliveries but THANK YOU in advance in case we miss your special delivery!
Please recycle your used bras and if in the S.F. Bay Area bring them to a drop off location or if not in the area send them to our PO Box:
Be a Dear and Donate a Brassiere
211 Hope Street, # 1015
Mountain View, CA 94042-1015”
Again, you can find all of that same information on their Be A Dear Facebook page, too. And be sure to go and like their page and give them some support, too!

Be a Dear, Donate A Brassiere
Thanks Curvies. Sincerely, Chrystal Bougon
Curvy Girl Lingerie
1535 Meridian Ave, Ste. 30, San Jose, CA 95125