HelloTushy.com and use the code CURVE for 10% off.
I am so thrilled to be able to give you my personal review of the HelloTushy.com bidet and share the discount code they gave me to share with you for 10% off. The code is “ curve “ and their website is www.HelloTushy.com
Full disclosure, I am getting paid for this review. However, I want to also let you know that I reached out to them because I knew that I already loved their bidet! I have had the pleasure of trying their bidet at my friend Dana’s apartment and at two local Japanese restaurants here in San Jose that have them installed in their public restrooms. You know, we are fancy here in Silicon Valley!
I have an enormous bum, thighs, and hips and have fantastic success using their Tushy Classic bidet. So I reached out to HelloTushy.com to ask them if they would be interested in working together. My angle and pitch were that I would be that I KNOW it works for me and my body, which a lot of women may be able to relate to. (67% of American women are plus-size after all!)
Here are some of the questions that my community of Curvy Girls asked about when I mentioned I was going to receive a HelloTushy.com bidet. Some people had never even heard of a bidet and some of them lived in European countries and were unsure as to why they are not used more often in the U.S. Listen – once you start using a bidet regularly, toileting with ONLY tissue will never feel civilized once you get spoiled by a bidet. You just cannot ever get to that same level of cleanliness that you can get to with a bidet. (And, I should also mention that the Hello Tushy brand bidet is only $79.)
Questions from my Curvy community: (And you can see the 90 second video of the HelloTushy.com bidet I have installed in my bathroom here >> https://youtu.be/i4PbLASjSMk
Q: How do you get your bum dry after spraying it with water?
A: Hello Tushy did provide some bamboo toilet tissue with the sample they sent me. You can go old school and use toilet paper or use a hand towel to dry your undercarriage. (I have also seen people of size mention how they will set a towel down on a bed, couch or chair to make sure they get completely dry after a shower or after using a bidet.)
Q: Does the stream of water spray poo into your vagina?
A: No. From what I can tell by how it feels, I just feel the water dripping off and directly down into the bowl. (What I said on my Curvy Girl Facebook page is that you should imagine the letter “L.” The tall part of the letter is the stream and then the shorter part is the angle it feels like it is traveling in from your body to the toilet bowl.)
Q: Can you use the bidet when you have your period?
A: Honestly, it was not something I had even considered until I had my own version and I had my cycle. It worked great. In fact, I highly recommend using it during your cycle because it feels very good, refreshing and I felt extremely clean after using it. I did tilt the water sprayer a little bit down for cleaning areas that were NOT my culo….but most days I just left it pointed so it was cleaning my bum.
Q: Can men use a bidet even though they have testicles?
A: Hell yah, they can. They have a butthole, too. And, I cannot speak for them, but I imagine some water splashing on their balls probably feels pretty amazing!
Q: Do you have to be very handy to install the bidet? Will I need to work with my apartment manager or can I do this on my own?
A: It is all very straightforward and I definitely do not consider myself very handy nor tenacious. I usually lose my patience when trying to install accessories or put together a bookcase, know what I mean? I found it very easy and since most toilets have standards as far as the size of the toilet bowl and the length, the only thing you need to consider is whether or not you have an elongated toilet seat/bowl or a round toilet seat/bowl. The rest is easy-peasy. The instructions and pictures are very easy to understand and it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to assemble it and start using it.
Q: Will I end up with a lot of water spraying around my toilet area?
A: This was a common question from my community members that are raising little boys and dealing with the pee on their bathroom floors and toilet seats. Personally, I have not noticed much over-spray. The one time I did notice some spray was on the back of my plastic toilet seat from when I leaned forward too much when I first got it. I have since perfected it.
And, you can use your bidet after you pee, too. It’s not just for serious business!
The last point I want to make is that my right lower butt cheek does sit on the dial and so I do need to lean forward a bit to turn the dial, but I find it super easy to do so. The dial is really big. It has ridges on it, so it’s super easy to turn. I wear a size 28/30 in pants, in case that gives you an idea of how large my lower half is.
I love my Hello Tushy bidet and like I said, I had a really good idea that I already loved it before I wrote them to ask them if they would like to work together. I like being EXTRA clean. We all know that the bigots and fat shamers have this idea that fat people are lazy and that we do not attend to our hygiene. I personally take great pride in my own personal hygiene and would not matter if I was a thin or fat human. It’s some crappy prejudice and fatphobic bullshit that I get sick of hearing about. So, I wanted to share this with all of you in case you wanted a bit of additional confidence about your own backside hygiene.
I made a short video showing my bidet on my toilet seat with a ruler so you could see how it fits on an elongated bow. YOU TUBE VIDEO of my HELLO TUSHY BIDET
Again, use the code CURVE for 10% off and it brings the price down to $71.50 and they pay the shipping charges. And, any time you spend $50 on their site, the shipping is free.
The Hello Tushy bidet works wonderfully for big butts.
As they say in their own marketing – EVERYBODY POOPS!
You can check out the thread where we talked about this bidet on my Curvy Girl Page:
And, remember, use the code CURVE for 10% off when you buy your own bidet.