Goop has RUINED so many things for me and so many others. (Some time go and Google “I hate goop” and you will find hundreds of blogs about this topic.) Gwyneth Paltrow and Dr. Oz are about the same level of a charlatan – EPIC LEVEL – spouting their pseudo-science to make us feel bad about our bodies and our genitals.
When I was contacted b Eme from BloomBlushbyEme.com I scoffed at the idea at first, to be brutally honest. As someone who has been in the sex toy business since 2003 and someone who is cis and born with a vagina and vulva, I know a few things about the pussy. This whole thing of “steaming” my “yoni” sounded like some next-level white- yoga-lady shenanigans to me.
For one thing, I do know that our vagina is self-cleaning. (And, I also know that people often call our vulva a vagina!!!) For the purpose of this blog, I am going to write the words vulva/vagina because this product applies to both.
I shared the idea that I was invited to do a review of this “Vagina Steam” product on my CurvyGirl FB page and got a lot of people chiming in telling me that my vagina does not and will not ever need a v-steam. But, then, 1 by 1, I started noticing women chiming in letting me know that this sitz bath or v-steam was very common in their culture. So, I decided to take a beat from my GOOP-hate-rant and do some research.
Healthline defines a size bath here:
A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath that cleanses the perineum, which is the space between the rectumand the vulva or scrotum. A sitz bath can also provide relief from pain or itchingin the genital area.
MedicalNewsToday defines a v-steam here:
Vaginal steaming involves exposing the vagina to steam to cleanse it and enhance its health. Other names for the practice include V-steaming or yoni steaming.
Now, if you have been following me since 2003, you likely know I quite enjoy a stream of hot water on my clitoris. I mean, who doesn’t? Hot tub? I am humping the jet. Had held shower head? I am humping the jet. I never met warm water that I did not love. Water baby here!
Sidebar: They made a fantastic video to demonstrate their V-Steam /Sitz Bath Here. Eme has also extended a discount code CURVYGIRL15 to my followers.
After doing some research, I found out that this type of “bath” for your vulva/vagina has been around for hundreds of years. It has been practiced in ancient Korea, current day Haiti, Mozambique, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Guatemala, and Belize. (Thank you, Wikipedia.) In some of these countries, this type of “bath” was done for women with issues with reproduction, after giving birth and a way to sort of PAMPER themselves. (My own logic keeps me from believing this sitz bath can help with reproduction, but it sure can soothe a sore vagina / vulva!)
Now, I do not see any HARM in sitting over a bowl of warm water with some herbs or Epsom salt. I do not even see any harm in sitting in a sitz bath with herbs or Epsom salt. The only issue I can imagine is if you start putting stuff in the bath that might cause a yeast infection. (Sugar and sweeteners are NOT o.k. near the vagina/vulva. You do not want to mess up the ph balance of your vag.) But, in the v-steam / sitz bath tea bags that Eme shipped me there are only herbs. Nothing to disrupt the ph balance, friends.
There are things that a v-steam / yoni steam that cannot DO. It cannot tighten your vagina NOR should anyone worry about the tightness of their vagina. YOUR VAGINA IS PERFECT, I promise! If someone says it’s not, LEAVE THEM NOW! DO NOT STOP. PASS GO! RUNNNNNNNNNNN! Loser lovers who shame your vulva / vagina have no place in my life.
AND – VERY IMPORANT – Your vulva and vagina are supposed to smell like a vulva and vagina. It is not supposed to smell like “sweet romance” and that other crap Massengill sells. Your vulva and vagina are perfect, I promise. And, using this sitz bath or using it for steaming and healing will NOT change the scent of your vagina. It only needs a shower, a gentle soap and some water. It is absolutely self-cleaning and please do not add perfumes and other crap like that. You will end up doing more damage than good.
There is NO data that suggests a v-steam can improve your fertility!
A mini sitz bathtub, like you get when you buy this kit from Eme’s website , DOES give you a tool for soaking your vulva, vagina, perineum and anus. If you had a baby recently, this may sound like a slice of heaven. In fact, many hospitals send you home with the mini sitz bathtub after giving birth. Sometimes our vaginas can get itchy – which is very common during menopause and peri-menopause. Hormone changes are a bear, y’all. Contact dermatitis can make it itchy. Obviously, a yeast infection can make it itchy. This is a time when you likely need to see or email your doctor. A sitz bath cannot help your yeast infection.
YOUR VAGINA is NOT dirty and I do not like anything that encourages that theory.
The tea bags that come with Eme’s kit are lovely. All of the herbs are organic and intended for external use, only. They are soothing and are formulated to encourage relaxation. Once you buy her kit, you can get additional tea bags for your v-steam. The way they encourage you to use it is to boil the water, steep the tea bags, let the water cool down and then square over the tub for the steam. I actually enjoyed it more as a soak myself. The one thing I do want to warn you against is squatting over the but or sitting in the mini bathtub when the water is too hot. The tissue of your vulva / vagina can be very thin and extra sensitive, so it cannot tolerate the same hot water you might like on your back. So, please be VERY careful.
Also, not sure about all of you, but every time I heard the term “v-steam” or “vaginal steam” I totally pictured a steam cleaner that sprays water with a lot of pressure and was not sure it meant when you go to a spa to get these “v-steams” we see being promoted. The good news is that there is NO high-pressure steam gun being sprayed at your vag. (Although, if it wasn’t too strong, I might actually enjoy that.) This kind of steam is definitely way more gentle than I ever envisioned. I am so glad I took the chance to be educated about these steams.
I really wish Goop and their ridiculousness would go away, but we all know that is probably not going to happen anytime soon. This is a good lesson to me to not be so quick to HATE everything GOOP loves.
*** FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a sponsored blog post and I was sent the products at no charge and BloomBlushbyEme did pay a small fee to me for this blog review of their product. ***
discount code CURVYGIRL15 to my followers. www.BloomBlushByEme.com
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