Seriously. I was shopping along Melrose Avenue with a friend and we walked into this store and the shop owner’s first word to me were “You are so pretty, but you are so fat!”
My friend LOST it and told the woman off. I explained to him how many times in my life I have heard this exact or similar statements. For example:
“You should stop drinking cold water. That is what makes you fat.” This was said to me while getting my nails done. Real relaxing, right?
“If you just lost a little weight, you would be a knockout.”
“Do you REALLY need to eat that?”
“You are cute for a fat girl.”
BITCH! I am cute. FULL STOP.
Why do people ever utter such ugly things? How much do you have to HATE yourself when you give out a backhanded compliment like that. No, ass hat, I am PRETTY. I am fat and sassy. I am smart. I am a great friend. I am a loving daughter. I am so many more things than my body, you ass for brains.
I am not “ANYTHING – INSERT ADJECTIVE HERE” for a fat girl. I am a person. A human with feelings. Thankfully – I was raised to not give a rats butt about the opinion of someone I do not care about.
“You’re so pretty, but you’re so fat!” How many times have we all heard b.s. like that?
I know this is a common occurrence for all of my Curvy sisters. My best advice for situations like that is just KEEP ON SMILING and show those miserable meanies your big smile and your big butt!
You are enough. You are perfect. Hurt people hurt people and those people that say those cruel things are seriously damaged.