“It’s time to own your sexuality so that you can be the most unapologetic and confident YOU.
Come As You Are is the online summit that gives you the tools and guidance to show up as exactly you, free of past expectations, shame, and assumptions, so that you can thrive in your life. You’ll learn how to challenge what you’ve been taught about sexuality and how to put it back together in a way that makes sense for you. We’re here to show you that the only “normal” when it comes to sexuality is diversity.” Veronica Yanhs, Come As You are Summit and Kink and BDSM Educator
I am so excited to be a part of this webinar that you can listen to from the privacy of our own home or car. I will be taking about “Hot Sex & The Curvy Girl” and I will be touching on sex toys, sex furniture and positions for curvy women. I will also be talking about how to have sex with the lights on and living unapologetically.
REGISTER BY THE 7th of April and get $10 off.
I am talking about how to LET GO in the BEDROOM and have lots of hot sex TODAY… not in 50 lbs from now. Right this moment, no matter your size. And, I talk about 6 ways to love your fat body and all of the pleasure it can bring you. I also touch on some sex toys and positions that work well for curvy bodies.
Me : Chrystal Bougon / Photo Credit : Boudoir Coterie
I hope you will attend our virtual summit. So may fabulous sex, kink and relationship experts to tune into.
Do you know about my Curvy Girl Community? We have about a half a million followers and our community is very robust and very engaged. We are also a very generous group and very comfortable what does and does not work for our fat selves Facebook.com/CurvyGirlInc