Curvy Girl Lingerie is my Plus Size Lingerie store in San Jose. And, some of you know that I spent the last 10 years selling sex toys via my online website and through our home parties. I personally did over 1,500 pleasure parties since 2003. And, we are still doing lots of pleasure parties and we are still selling online.
So you may notice that we sell some “romance” products at our store. However, you will also notice that we do not have anything that vibrates at our store. We are not sex toy store and we are o.k. with that. We are not allowed to carry sex toys at Curvy Girl. And, it was never my plan to open a sex toy store. I owned one many years ago and it does bring in a different type of customers.
I want Curvy Girl to be a place where women feel SAFE shopping for lingerie. Some Curvy women are anxious enough about coming to a store to buy lingerie. Adding sex toys to the equation would change ALL of the energy and the feeling I am working really hard to create.
I do think that the other romance items enhance the store. We do carry the Pure Instinct, the best lubricant EVER the EROS lube, we sell the Coochy Shave cream and other soft goodies like the Nympho’s Desire and the Tasty Treat that will enhance your love live. Just no sex toys.
If you do find that you are wanting to buy a sex toy, we can help you with that. You can buy them online here or you can book a pleasure party at the store after hours or in your own home. And, if you buy your toys online and it’s URGENT (yes, some people do have sex toy emergencies) I may be able to have it ready for you to pick it up at store discreetly. But, honestly, when you live in the Bay Area and you order online, you may have it 24 hours later.
So, if your libido needs a little boost and your pheromones are a little lackluster – we have some very yummy products at the store that can help you with your sex life and feel in the mood more often.
Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon
If you like our style, like us on Facebook.
Our store is in Willow Glen at 1535 Meridian Ave, Suite 30, San Jose, CA 95125