Curvy Girl Career Closet for Curvy Girls who need a little help from your friends.
My Curvy Girl community has given me so much and I am so grateful! When I first opened my store in October 2012, I never would have imagined so much generosity from total strangers. I want to do more to give back. So, my idea is to have a sort of permanent rack of “Curvy – sized” career clothes that local curvy girls can borrow or take for when they need something professional to wear.
So there are two ways you can participate. If you are local and you have 1 or 2 items of career clothes in sizes 12/14 to size 28/30 you can donate them to our rack. I just ask for a few things. Please donate clothes that are cleaned that do not have that cigarette smoke or pet smell. I don’t have the budget to have the items cleaned, but we do have the time and staff to steam the items and make sure they look presentable. ( I don’t have a lot of space, so please, just 1 or 2 items if you want to donate.)
If you have an item or two you would like to donate, please feel free to stop by the store any time during store hours. We are open Mon – Friday 12 to 7. Saturday 12 to 6. Sunday 11 to 4. We will give you a special coupon as a THANK YOU to use at the store in the future when you make a donation.
The second way you can participate is you can come and borrow or take an item if you need something professional to wear. Maybe you have a court appointment or a job interview and you do not have the funds to buy something new. Or maybe you even need something to wear on a date or to a professional networking meeting. Whatever your reason, you are welcome to come and check out an item. We will just ask for a few details – name, telephone, and we will write down the item you borrowed or took. (And ask if you plan to return it or keep it.)
We will begin taking donations on the 11th and I personally have a few items I can contribute to the Mini Curvy Career Closet to get us started. If you need to borrow something for an important event, I think maybe give us a week to get the rack fattened up and then starting on the 17th I think we should have a few items for you to browse through.
We all need a little help from our friends on occasion and we all want to help where we can. This is a little thing we can do to give back to our amazing Curvy Girl community.
If you would like to make a donation, please bring clothes that are :
- Size 12/14 or larger
- Clean and free of pet hair / pet scents
- Clean and free of cigarette smoke smell
- On a hanger
Thanks Curvy Girls and those that love Curvy Girls. Our store is in San Jose and please feel free to call with any questions about the Curvy Girl Career Closet. Tel: 408-264-4227. Thanks everyone for all of your love and support.
Sincerely, Chrystal
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