Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Aug. 11th
Calling all Curvy Girls. My friends at Lone Star Limousine and Curvy Girl are co-hosting a “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” event on August 11th. This event will include 15 vendors, appetizers, live music, cash bar, raffles and all kinds of other fun. We are also featuring a Curvy Girl Fashion Show to show off some of our Curvy Girl Lingerie and our upcoming Curvy Girl Halloween Costumes.
This is where all of you sexy hotties come in. I am looking for models for our fashion show. If you volunteer to become a model, there are two ways you can come and play at our event if you volunteer to be a model. (And, you need to be comfortable with us photographing you and sharing the photos on our blogs or other social media platforms. (We would not tag you.) Of course, you an just attend the event. But, if you want to be a model, here are the guidelines:
- You can wear something you already own – especially if you bought it at my store or it is one of the brands we carry. (Shirley, Intimate Attitudes, Dream Girls, etc)
- You can buy something at COST to wear for the lingerie show. (And, you will have to come to the store 10 days before to try it on. After the fashion show, you get to take it home. It’s yours.) I wish I could GIVE all of the lingerie to you, but not quite that big yet. But, still a cool way to get something you have been wanting at cost.
Are you interested and serious? Are you ready to show off your Curves at our fashion show? Ready to be photographed in lingerie or a costume? Then please email me at blissconnection@gmail.com and include the words “I am volunteering for your curvy fashion show” so I can keep track and archive them. I will need your first name, cell phone, and your approximate size. And, do you want to buy a piece or wearing a piece you already own?
Please be patient. I may get A LOT of responses and I will need to reply to them all and coordinate some appointments for styles, sizing, etc. I will reply though. And, please feel free to forward this to your curvy friends, too.
Questions? Call me at the store at 408-264-4227 please.
We may be able to provide some hair and make up touch ups that day before the fashion show. Your stockings, spray on tans, shoes or anything else you need for the event will be up to you. (None of the above are required… well…except for shoes of some kind.) You will be required to show up early to check in, get changed, freshen up and then rock the fashion show at 2pm. (Probably show up around 12:30.)
And, you can still join us even if you are not going to be a model. The event is $10 and open to all women of all shapes and sizes! You will see more about this coming up, but just wanted to put the call out there for models now. This is going to be so much fun!
So mark your calendars. August 11, 2013 and the fashion show and event will be next door at the Three Flames banquet room which is like 50 feet from our front door at Curvy Girl – same parking lot. Same everything. Thanks! This is going to be fun!
Have you liked our Curvy Girl page? www.facebook.com/curvygirlinc and please also like Lone Star’s Facebook page, too: www.Facebook.com/LoneStarLimo