You hear me saying it a lot. STOP HIDING curvy girl. And lots of us Curvy Girls are famous for ONLY taking pictures of our face and nothing else. (Or from a really high angle like I like!)

Curvy Girl Proud
We have been playing with this a bit on our “secret” Curvy Girl group on Facebook. And now we want to STOP HIDING and try it on our “regular” Curvy Girl Facebook Page
To enter the contest, please add a FULL BODY picture of yourself to our Facebook page on our wall. We want to see you head to toe, please. You can be alone in the picture or other people can be in the photo as long as we can tell who YOU are and we can see you tip to toes! is where you post it. (When you add your pic to our Facebook page, you are by default, allowing us to promote and use that image on Facebook – so please ONLY post it if you are cool with over 15,000 likers seeing that picture. Otherwise please do not enter the contest.)
Please also tell us a little bit about your story and your struggle. Why is taking a FULL BODY pic a big deal for you? Or maybe it’s not a big deal. Tell us how you gained that confidence or how you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. We want to hear your story and how you got to be here ready to share a full body pic of yourself on Facebook where it could go viral or even possibly receive some negative comments. (And, believe me, I will do my best to BAN and ELMINATE any douchebaggery.)
One winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to use at the store or online. The winner will be chosen by our Curvy Girl staff. We will be looking at your story and your picture, so it’s important to include both when you post to our wall.
Please keep the pictures tasteful. Lingerie is fine, but no nip slips or other nudity that could get flagged by an offended Facebook Liker please.
Have you ever been to our plus size lingerie store Curvy Girl in San Jose? Our address is 1535 Meridian Ave, Ste. 30, San Jose, CA 95125 and our tele is 408-264-4227
Come shop with us. If you are not local, you can shop online. Our link to our lingerie store is on the BUY LINGERIE button.
And, please SHARE this competition with your Curvy Friends.
Blissfully, Chrystal