This is a fun list of some of my favorite Curvy Girl resources. Some of them are local and some of them are online. My “go to” places for cool ideas, beautiful clothes and fun stuff to do! Thankfully there are more and more options out there for us Curvy girls.
So here is a list of some of my Curvy Girl Favorite Things!
Did you know the Bay Area has plus size events? One local club here in Sunnyvale, called Club Plush Thick & Sexy, has a party every singe Saturday night. And another group called Full Figure Entertainment has a several parties a month in Oakland? They are for Plus Size people and the people who love us! We are so lucky to have such an amazing plus size social scene in the Bay Area.
In Santa Cruz, there is an amazing store called Jill Alexander Designs. Their website is and they have a Facebook page, too. They specialize in contemporary fashion for curvy and full figured women” and they are local! Really beautiful designs and they are on Potrero St. in Santa Cruz. Their prices are super affordable and you gotta love their return policy, too.
I also adore Torrid and Lane Bryant at Oakridge, myself. And, of course, sometimes I find a few fun things at Macy’s Woman at Oakridge. (That do not look like my grandma’s table cloth. That is the key here!)
We get asked a lot about bras at our store. We do not really carry any foundations at Curvy Girl Lingerie. We do like to refer our customers to Besos in Los Gatos and to Soma Intimate at Valley Fair. Personally, I buy my bras at Lane Bryant, though. But, if you are over a 44 dd Soma and Besos may be a good place for you to start.
Some of my favorite blogs and Facebook pages: and their sister site on Facebook, Plus Size Mommy Memoirs is pretty amazing! There is so much misinformation out there about plus size women and our fertility and our ability to have healthy pregnancies and babies. Jen and her blog are re-educating the world. and Jes describes herself at “blogger, baker and bad-ass hellraiser” and she is being modest, if you ask me! She is also the creator of the “Body Love Conference” and I will be one of the presenters there this coming April. Join us! When you need to a dose of support and some really sound logic and information about what bullshit the “war on obesity” is, definitely go to Ragen’s blog, here. Author and Sassy Bay Area Smartie Pants! “Virgie Tovar, MA is one of the nation’s leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image.” And you can buy Virgie’s book on Amazon. “Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion”
You gotta love the Curvy Fashionista , Plus Size Modeling and Plus Size Mag, too! There are Facebook pages all curvy women who want to keep up on what is going on in Curvy Fashion, you just have to LIKE their pages!
If you are a curvy girl and you just need a lift or to boost your confidence and silence your inner mean girl, be sure to LIKE these pages and their corresponding websites. These body positive pages will give you a great big Curvy Girl smile:
Plus Size Mommas run by several amazing women I can count as my friends!
Health at Every Size and their pledge. Get healthy, but ditch the diet!
Daily Venus Diva plus size news and all kinds of awesomeness on their webpage and Facebook.
Curvy Magazine – I love to browse their Facebook page for all of their beautiful curvy women and their tips and information.
BONUS: Do you love boots but can never find then big enough for your calves? Boot Bands is a super cool resource for curvy women who need an inset to help extend their boots to make sure they fit bigger calves!
Do you have other Curvy Girl resources you want to share with us? Please list them here so we can all take check them out, too!
Happy New Year, Curvy Girls. This is going to be a great year for us!
Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon
Owner and Resident Curvy Girl
Curvy Girl Lingerie, San Jose, CA