The fabulous author and all around GLAM and sexy, fab fat girl Virgie Tovar asked me how I came to LOVE my big, fat, curvy body. She included my blurb – I am Curvy Girl #5 in this article on EverydayFemism. (Virgie is the author of “Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion.)
I think you will enjoy this article and Virgie’s insight and the tips from the other 7 Curvy Women and how they came to love their body exactly as it is. Fat and Fabulous.
Link to 8 Secrets from 8 Curvy Women article here.
Here is my blurb from the article :
“One day when I was about 24, I decided life is too short to put everything on hold until I am the media’s definition of the perfect weight. (I had lost my best friend since the third grade. That woke me up.)
“Our bodies, even our fat bodies, are capable of so much pleasure. Your partner is there and naked with you right now. Not fifteen pounds from now.
“My guess is that they love your body exactly the way it is. Otherwise why would they be there naked with you?
“Try rolling around in a yummy bed or take a nice warm, sudsy bath with another curvy woman (or man) and close your eyes and just let your hands feel their super soft skin, rolls and flabby parts and see how great their body feels to the touch.
“You will have a new appreciation for how beautiful your body is.”
Of course body acceptance and love for yourself is a life long journey and I have hit many bumps in the road along the way. So, my love of my body has not always been just a straight line. I backslide and buy into the media bullshit and start to doubt my love of my own body. But, then something smacks me up the head and I silence my inner critic and I get back on track. I just want to be really authentic and honest here. I MOSTLY love my body and all of the pleasure that it is capable of, but I do have my off days, too. I am human.
I love Virgie’s idea at the end of the article to think of 5 things your body has done for you lately. TRY IT! Here are the 5 I came up with:
5 things my body has done for me lately….. gave me joy in seeing my niece. Gave me pleasure in my bedroom all weekend long with my partner and alone. Gave me the ability to come to work and connect with other beautiful curvy women. My fat body gave me the ability to call my Mom on Mother’s Day and tell her how much I love her. My body gave me the ability to share this article on Facebook…I could go on and on.
Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon