Curvy Girl
Hi there,
I am sure you have heard / read so many things about our Curvy Girl Lingerie Cover Girl Project by now. And, we are trying hard to INCLUDE everyone. I wrote a blog about the “3 Ways You Can Become a Curvy Girl Model” but I wanted to clarify the option we are calling our “far flung cover girls.” And, when I say everyone – I do mean EVERYONE. We want to see women – and people who identify as women – of all races, ethnicity, abilities and ages on our website and from all of you. You can be pregnant or not. Just EVERYONE. Size 12 to size 28. (Those are the sizes that our lingerie fits.)
If you are not local, you can send us a HIGH RESOLUTION photo of yourself in our lingerie. You do not have to BUY it from us. You can buy it anywhere, but do check our website to make sure it’s something that we do sell. Our plus size lingerie store is http://shop.curvygirlinc.com So, if you own it, perfect. If you need to buy one, that works, too. You can use the code fbfan for $10 off if you buy it from us.
So here are the guidelines for sending us your photo. (And this is an ongoing project. NO deadline.)
1. Wear something we sell or something you bought from us. (But you can buy it anywhere.) ( http://shop.curvygirlinc.com )
2. Have a friend take the pic for you. Selfies will not work on our website and for this project.
3. The resolution needs to be 800 x 800 at the very minimum.
4. Keep the background simple. We prefer white. But, most important is that the back ground be VERY simple and plain. We want the focus on you and the lingerie.
5. You do not have to hire a make up artist or hair person, but your hair and make up should look very polished and pretty. This is going on our website.
6. Once you have your photo, email it to us at CurvyGirlInc@gmail.com and put the words “far flung cover girl” in the subject.
7. We will need you to send back a “release” allowing us to use your photo.
That’s it! Any questions?
We can’t wait to see you rocking your sexy lingerie!
Sincerely, Chrystal Bougon
p.s. You can BUY your way onto our website, too. For a $350 donation, we will arrange to have your hair and make up done and fit you for a piece of lingerie. Once we schedule a date and time, we will hire our photographer and take some professional pics!. Here is the GO FUND ME link, if you are local and want to do it.