Photo Credit : Meghan Tonjes and your YouTube Channel
I poured my heart out in this 11-minute podcast about how I also struggle with allowing my partner to touch my lower tummy. I strongly believe in FAT LIBERATION and FAT ACCEPTANCE but I do struggle with embracing my lower tummy! Do you feel the same way about your own stomach?
How do you feel about the euphemisms for various areas of our bodies? Does the FUPA word offend you? Which work do you prefer?
Here is the PODCAST about my feelings about my own lower tummy.
This is the commentary on my Curvy Girl page in response to this article that VICE wrote about this topic and that inspired my
How to Have Sex With a Fat Girl from VICE.
This is a fabulous YOUTUBE from Meghan Tonjes about her FUPA and Beyonce’s Fupa.
OMG I just adore Meghan’s YouTube Channel! You will adore her FUPA video and her YouTube channel, too!.
You all will love her, too!