Guest Blog from our friend and Curvy Girl Model, Kara Kay Torres:
“I wanted to share this to give all of you confidence to wear that bikini you’ve always wanted to wear!!
Many of you know that I am a pretty confident woman. I am always wanting every woman to feel comfortable in her skin and keep telling women that if I can be confident and comfortable in my skin then anyone can. I try to show my kids that no matter what size you are, you are amazing and beautiful, I try to teach kids that society does not make you as a person and no one can make you feel crappy about yourself unless you let them.
Well, with that said, I had bought this swimsuit that I have been eyeing and loved so much. The only problem was, was it was a bikini, YES, you read that right, A BIKINI!!!! When I had seen this swimsuit, I had to have it. I kept telling myself that I would lose the weight in order to wear it. Well, when received it, I just had to try it on. To my surprise, the damn thing fit! I was so excited that it actually fit. Then the next thought as I looked in the mirror was “I can never walk out in public in this thing, everyone will look at me like I am too FAT to be wearing it and who the hell would think that I would look good in this thing and even though I felt SEXY in it: and I knew I could not wear it out.
A couple of months had passed of me trying to loose weight (so hard as I was going through some major health issues) and me just looking at this swimsuit. That I decided enough was enough and I decided to bring the bikini with me while traveling with family. The thing is, is that was the only swimsuit I brought so if I wanted to swim I would have to wear this sexy swimsuit. When we got to the hotel, I had actually thought about not going to swimming because I did not want the looks because I was a “FAT” girl in a bikini.
Well I put the thing on, put my robe on and walked to the swimming pool with the family. Nervous as hell and butterflies in my stomach, I took the robe off and jumped in!!! Yep, that’s right this FAT mom of three, with stretchmarks all over her tummy jumped in the water with a bikini on!!! Once I was in the water I didn’t even think about that I had a bikini on. I actually got out of the pool, walked over to the hot tub and got in. With that said, I don’t think anyone really looked at me or even cared and if they did, I didn’t really care! I was having fun and I felt sexy.
I have struggled with my weight my entire life, I have NEVER worn a bikini and I never really thought I would. I am not going to let anyone or anything stop me including myself. If you don’t like what you see, DON’T LOOK!!!!! I am no longer going to make me feel bad about myself for the way I look. The only person I am holding back and hurting is myself and today I vow to love my body completely.
So, to all the FAT girls that have always wanted to wear that bikini or sexy swimsuit, it is time to not be ashamed of you are are!!!! Wear what you want, be proud, confident and unapologetic to society who has the problem!!!
So happy for you, Kara. You are stunning and I am so thrilled you believe that, too. You are such a great Mom. Showing your kids all bodies are beautiful will have a lasting impact on them. You rock and so happy to call you my friend and a Curvy Girl Cover Girl! Our bodies are powerful and beautiful.
Kara is also a member of our Curvy Girl Community/Group here. She originally shared here and then gave me permission to share her microblog with all of you!
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Need some other tips for loving your body?
Unorthodox Tip to Fall In Love With Your Fat Body (or get neutral about it)