Best Lube Ever!
Hey Curvies and Friends of Curvies:
You may hear me go on and on about how much we love the Pjur Eros Lubricant. I have been educating people about sex, selling sex toys and doing pleasure parties for over 10 years now. My pleasure party company I started in 2003 is called Bliss Pleasure Parties.
I have written a blog here about how the Eros works great for the “chub rub” – when your curvy thighs rub together when you walk or go for a run. (Mostly when wearing a skirt or a dress. Chub Rub Eros Blog Here )
I also wrote a blog called 15 Reasons We Love the Eros Lube at BlissConnection.com and it gives all of the wonderful ways you can use this yummy silicone lubricant. (It’s preservative free, fragrance free, paraben free and flavor free… so it will never dry up and it will never get sticky or tacky.) It just keeps going and going and going. And it’s fabulous for women who are SUPER sensitive to all of the additives some of the cheap lubes of the world have in them.
So, if you would like to WIN a 100 ML bottle of this amazing personal lubricant from Curvy Girl and Bliss, please go to our www.BlissConnection.com website and enter your email address. The box is at the upper right hand side of the page. And, check the box that says Eros Giveaway. We will raffle off 1 large bottle and 1 travel size bottle to two lucky winners.
Thanks so much! And, any time you want to buy a sex toy, our online store is www.BlissConnection.com and you can use the coupon code CURVY for 15% off, too.
Thanks friends and good luck! May the force be with you. 🙂
Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon
Curvy Girl Lingerie is in Willow Glen. 1535 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Tel: 408-264-4227