Hey ya’ll:
Well, this has been an incredible two weeks! On Nov. 15th we started what we are calling a “regular, unphotoshopped woman” campaign and we have received some pretty amazing press because of it.
It all started with a blog I wrote and shared it with the Huffington Post. Then, on the 20th, the Huffington Post ran this story about our Curvy Girl Lingerie store. Here is the direct link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/20/regular-women-lingerie-photos_n_4308760.html
Once that article started to go viral, Inside Edition and the Bethenny Frankle show called. Then the Today show called my store! OMG. And speaking of OMG, while I was in NYC taping the Bethenny show, OMG Insider called.
Here is the link to see us on Inside Edition: http://www.insideedition.com/videos/2014-plus-size-women-show-lingerie-fits-all-sizes
Here is the link to see us on OMG Insider : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=453074538132279
KRON 4 News also picked up the story and here it is on their page and on You Tube: http://news.kron4.com/news/hot-mom-slams-plus-size-women/
We do not know the air date for the Bethenny Frankle show. Hopefully one day next week. And, I am doing an interview with CNN this Saturday morning to talk with CNN and Maria Kang about how “annoyed” she is with our “unphotoshopped, regular woman” in lingerie campaign. Stay tuned for the details on that one!
If you haven’t joined the fun on Facebook yet, our Curvy Girl page is:
Thanks so much everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
Sincerely, Chrystal Bougon
Owner and Resident Curvy Girl