Do you know why it is important to use your thin privilege to advocate for us rad fatties?
Because if you are in a thin body, your opinion holds more currency than our fat voices.

Do you know why it is important to use your thin privilege to advocate for us rad fatties?
Because if you are in a thin body, your opinion holds more currency than our fat voices.
I belong to this fabulous group on Facebook called “Flying While Fat” and there are over 11,000 super generous members who share our tips and tricks for flying while fat. (I believe it was created by Stacy Bias.) It’s a fabulous group that gives amazing information, but about once a week, I will see a person on there talking about how they FEEL GUILTY for taking up space or using the free extra seat that Southwest Airlines offers to their customers of size.
Thank you to All Go – the App for Fat People and the t.v. show “This is Us” for bring this topic into the common consciousness.
If you are a person of size, you likely have a lot of anxiety about sports stadiums, movie theatres, the symphony seats and flying while fat.
Our Facebook Engagement is fantastic!
You can check out this other article I wrote about our engagement on our FB page and on this blog, here:
We have fantastic engagement! Interested in a sponsored post?
What are all of the ways you get through a day that might also help another person of size?
I want to create a new hashtag. #FatHacks I should probably check to make sure some fat phobe has not
chosen to use that hashtag for something mean.