I was browsing Facebook and saw my friend Heather shared this and I asked her permission to share. She agreed! She also has a blog called Fat Girl Posing and she links to her IG, too. She posts a lot about fat phobia, fat liberation and body acceptance. I feel strongly about this and I thought it was too valuable. I just knew I had to share it. She has some really fabulous LINK on her blog all about Fat Acceptance, Fat Discrimination and a really rad link to body acceptance books.
Heather Kolaya-Spealman
“I want to make it clear that any pursuit of weight loss is inherently fatphobic. literally the only reasons to intentionally lose weight are based in fatphobia and the idea that thinness is preferable to fatness. The idea that thinness is inherently healthier than fatness is also fatphobic. There’s no such thing as intentional weight loss and being fat positive or body positive.
(If your doctor is forcing you to lose weight and holding a medical procedure or treatment over your head then it’s still fatphobic in nature- just the fatphobia of the medical community.. this is not your fault and my heart really breaks for people who have to deal with this and i understand that medical blackmail is very real and the fault is not yours)
If you don’t understand, i can recommend books, blogs, videos, etc. but please don’t come on my thread trying to explain why your particular brand of weight loss is okay and not fatphobic or throwing around false equivalences. (Another blog about the greedy diet industry.)
Understand that the topic of fatphobia is traumatizing for fat folx- most of us have some degree of PTSD and asking for our spoons and labor to unpack your biases is not appropriate. you MAY inbox me with respectful questions (not defensiveness or explaining why weight loss is okay) and I will respond when I have the spoons. Remember that I am disabled in ways that impact my emotional well being as well as my cognitive function so you may be waiting a while. Be patient.
In the meantime I can recommend a few blogs
Fellow fat liberationists feel free to leave more blogs, videos, etc in the comments- i’ve been out of the circles for a couple of years due to illness and i’d love to catch up and have more resources to recommend.