Forget Your New Year’s Resolution. Celebrate Your Life Now. Join our Revolution!
(Not AFTER you lose 50 lbs. Now!)
This time of year we get bombarded with messages that we need to make resolutions to lose weight. We hear on the radio and see on t.v. that our bodies are not good enough the way they look right now. (And if you would like to hear more POSITIVE messages, text us the word curvygirl to 22828 and receive our twice monthly newsletter.)
Your fat body is not ENOUGH. (According to the media, your body is never good enough.) Diet down. Lean down. Restrict your food. Hit the gym. Join a gym for the low low price of $1!
You know the messages I am talking about. You can’t miss them this time of year. Soon your Facebook feed and Instagram page will be filled with ads for diets, shakes and lots of cleanses to clean your liver, colon and everything else you can imagine. Oh and don’t forget, your kids (if you have any) are listening to all of these messages, too. Everything you hear and see on t.v. and social media they are also absorbing into their brains, too. (We gotta try to break the “you are not enough” cycle.)
I challenge you to STOP with the resolutions and join the revolution.
Listen to your heart. Do what brings you joy. Reduce the fat shaming a**holes in your life. Enjoy all of the pleasure your body can create. Find some joyful movement if you enjoy such things. But, do it because you LOVE to move and dance. Do it for YOU and for your pleasure and joy, please. Please don’t do it to reach some number on the scale that you think is going to make you SO HAPPY. Do not wait for that number on the scale to finally wear everything you want to wear. WEAR IT NOW! Please.
Resolve to have more sex! Revolt against the diet industry! Resolve to spend more time with the people you love to be around. Revolt against the assholes in your life you spend all of their waking hours counting calories and talking about how they are going to be “bad” and have a bite of their dessert. WHO NEEDS THAT IN THEIR LIFE? #sexnotdiets #riotsnotdiets #unapologetic #IamEnough #eatthatcupcake
Friends. All we have is right this very moment in time. Please clean up your feed and remove all of those diet products, sales pages selling the latest cleanse and those annoying side bar ads selling you on the latest exercise gadget. Look for the things and brand that bring you joy and pleasure. NO one needs to remind us we are fat. We know this already. We walk around in these bodies daily and believe me – the world will not let us forget it.
Put some of your favorite fat acceptance, body love experts into your feed so you can feel the love and solidarity with other fat bodies. (Which, btw, the most recent data says that the average size for women in America is a size 18 – so turns out we ARE the majority!) Be sure you are following The Militant Baker, The Body Is Not An Apology, Plus Size Mommy Memoirs, Fat Girl Flow, The Curvy Fashionista, Amy Pence Brown, Ragen Chastain and there’s many many more.
Are you ready for the Revolution?
(Thank you for the beautiful video from Kim! Watch for more coming soon, too.)
Thank you to my friends at Boudoir Coterie in San Jose for the boudoir photo shoot. They do Boudoir Photography here in the San Jose/ Campbell area. And thank you to all of my Curvy Girl Cover Girls who let us film them at these various events so we could make this fabulous video.
Your beauty and generosity makes my heart smile, Curvies!
Tell us about your New Year’s Revolutions.