Somehow, the company STDcheck.com found my blog and asked me if I would be interested in writing a blog about their product. I was immediately intrigued because I think SAFE SEX is the ONLY HOT SEX! I hope you agree with me. Everyone can relax so much more and really let go if we know we can 100% trust our sexual partners.
I am not really sure how they found my blog, but I have been writing and educating/entertaining people about sex since April 2003. My Sex Toy Website is BlissConnection.com and I launched that around May 2003… so that is almost 16 years now. S.E.X. and S.E.O. are two of my favorite topics to talk about and blog about! (S.E.O. is search engine optimization – I am sort of a geeky nerd for website and blog optimization.)
So, full disclosure, this is a SPONSORED POST. That means they are paying me to write about their FANTASTIC product.
I would NEVER say yes to a SPONSORED post if I did not love the product, ya know? I need you all to trust me and by now, you probably know that I always speak the truth about how I feel about the sex toys I sell. Some of the sex toys I sell I am not IN LOVE with, but they will get the job done. (Like this FINGO for example.) That one is about $18. And then there is the Satisfyer that I AM IN LOVE WITH, but that one is about $70. The Satisfyer is a game changer, but not everyone can afford to spend $70 on a sex toy – and that is the reality of the world. But, again, they will both get the job done!! And, all I mean by all of this is that I like to keep it very real. I think you all know that by now.
I feel strongly that if two humans that are about to get familiar with each other’s genitals, than you should be able to take the 10 minutes and have a voice to voice conversation about what safe sex means to you and what your status is. Knowing your status is VERY sexy. And, for me, if my new lover takes his or her own sexual health seriously and stops to have the talk, well that is just seriously hot to me. That says “I love myself so much that I am not willing to take a risk” which transfers to how they will likely than have respect and love for my health, too.
For my own sex life, there is NO penis that special that it is allowed inside of my vagina without a condom. PERIOD. FULL STOP. End of Story. Zip. Zero. Zilch. And, if I ever ran into a man who said that HATES condoms, I would have two words for him. BOY, BYE!
Now, condoms are cool and all, but they still have their risks. This is why it’s so important to know your status. And, it’s also very important for your partner to know their status, too. STDcheck.com makes it easy and also makes it so you can leave your insurance company and your primary care physician out of the loop. You go on their website. Buy one of their packages depending on which tests you want to have done. Punch your zip code into their website and then go to that lab your blood draw. I checked my zip code and found 3 labs within 5 miles. One of their labs even had Saturday hours.
Your results come to your email a few days after your blood draw. 100% private. They are HIPPA compliant, too. In the case of a positive test (they found an std) you can consult with a doctor.
Not sure which of their tests are right for you? Check this STD Test Recommender page. They have thought of everything and it’s all on their website. They also have client testimonials and so much more on their site.
What if you and your partner each bought one and did the test Before you got down? This could be a fantastic gift to give each other before you begin to become intimate. I think that is HOT!
For most of my life, I used Planned Parenthood for all of my well woman exams. (Self-employment does not make for awesome health insurance. ) To me, this sort of feels like those same services, but the only time you need to this appointment is a 10 minute blood draw at a lab – and no one knows why you are there. Just so much more privacy then you get from PP. (More full disclosure – I ADORE Planned Parenthood and when I have extra money, they are my favorite charity. They do so much important work like family planning, std testing and if you need one, you can consult with PP about an abortion, too.)
My last note on this safe sex blog that I want to say. I LOATHE the term “I am clean” when one is referring to their status after an STD test. Having and STD does not make one “dirty” and I would LOVE it if we could all grow up and stop using these grade school level terms to discuss our sexual health. PLEASE. 🙂