I follow Brittany Herself on Facebook and her blog and I just adore her sassy style and her ideas. She has a blogging challenge going on and I going to participate this month where I can… starting today.

I follow Brittany Herself on Facebook and her blog and I just adore her sassy style and her ideas. She has a blogging challenge going on and I going to participate this month where I can… starting today.
I wrote an e-book all about how to give a gourmet b.j., how to give an efficient b.j. and how to use a penis ring with your male lover. It’s $4.95
when you buy it directly from me here.
I was at a blogging conference this past weekend here in San Jose (which is where my Curvy Girl retail store is located) called Blogher. ( #blogher or their other hashtag #blogher14 )
One of the speakers, The Blogess, said something that hit me right between the eyes.
I can’t believe we are over 102,000 “fans” or likers / followers on Facebook. To celebrate all of your love and support, we are going to give away one of our best selling corsets.