Here it is! The horribly offensive fishnet dress! So offensive isn’t it. NOT! Well, one of our Curvy Girl page fans did not like it, so they banned it and then Facebook summarily banned me from Facebook for 3 days.

Here it is! The horribly offensive fishnet dress! So offensive isn’t it. NOT! Well, one of our Curvy Girl page fans did not like it, so they banned it and then Facebook summarily banned me from Facebook for 3 days.
Because men have a memory like an elephant! Well, that is just one reason. It may only stay on for 30 seconds, but it does live on in their memory (or spankbank) forever and ever.
Wow, this plus size body stocking flies out of here when we get our weekly delivery. Everyone seems to love it. It fits women (or men) who are 175 to 275 lbs and you can be up to 6’2″ tall.
There is so much demand for stockings and thigh highs that fit plus size women. It’s so hard to find super sexy pantyhose and stockings when you are a Curvy Girl.