Guess what? It’s not of your effing business. And, honestly, if you are in the BODY LOVE / BODY ACCEPTANCE world and you are making snipes and shitty comments about what size Tess
“really” is – you’re in the wrong place.
Or more to the point, can I really forgive the internet bullies that spend time shaming my customers, my Curvy Girl Cover Girls and me all day and all night?
The short answer is yes.
We know that buying lingerie for someone else is tricky. And, for men who buy lingerie for women, it’s especially intimidating. Buying the wrong size can be problematic and rarely leads to hot sex.
I do! Enough with the said tropes about how all fat women hate their body and are constantly starving themselves to be some magical weight. I want to see women and men obsessing about living not dieting.
For you Curvy Girls who love to work out and move your luscious curvy bodies, my friend Louise Green, the founder of Body Exchange has a brand new fitness DVD for us!