I belong to this fabulous group on Facebook called “Flying While Fat” and there are over 11,000 super generous members who share our tips and tricks for flying while fat. (I believe it was created by Stacy Bias.) It’s a fabulous group that gives amazing information, but about once a week, I will see a person on there talking about how they FEEL GUILTY for taking up space or using the free extra seat that Southwest Airlines offers to their customers of size. But, what we have to remember is that WE did not create the teeny tiny airplane seats or the small booths in restaurants.
The thing about it is, though, is that the AIRLINES chose to make those seats small to try and cram a bunch more humans into their planes. Same with restaurants. People feel bad going to restaurants and not fit in their booths and they either do not go out our they sit in a booth and unable to move or breathe. As someone said on one thread is, restaurants make it difficult for the people that actually eat food to eat in their establishment. Makes zero fiscal sense!
We should not feel guilty because they are the ones trying to make more dollars per square inch. Airline seats use to be comfortable back in the 70’s and 80s and before.
In the 90’s they decided to make seats smaller and cram more into their planes TO MAKE MORE MONEY!
And, by the way, friends. 67% or more of the population is a size 14 or larger. The seats on an airplane are made for kids and short people.
Southwest Airlines makes billions of dollars. In Q1 of 2019, they make 5.1 billion in operating revenue. And, they are the very first airline to have a Customer of Size policy on their
website and they have trained MOST of their employees how to treat people of size. (LIKE HUMANS and with ALL the DIGNITY afforded to thin customers!)
Link to SWAirline Q1 Earnings Report: http://investors.southwest.com/news-and-events/news-releases/2019/04-25-2019-112936272
So, no more apologies. Take up space. Enjoy that free extra airline seat from SWA and if any other busy-body customer asks about that extra free seat, just tell them you bought it if you are shy or tell them to STFU if you are not.
Here is one of our blogs about the TOO SMALL restaurant booth from CanWeAllGo.com
Here is a blog I wrote with info and links to Ragen Chastain’s AMAZING and FAT ACCEPTACE blog about SWA:
Southwest Airlines Customer of Size Policy : Flying While Fat
Another blog I wrote with Tips for Flying While Fat:
Ok, friends. GO OUT THERE AND TAKE UP ALL THAT SPACE! There is not such thing as “too much space!”