We all know’em. That wonder woman who does it all for everyone but rarely for herself. We all have a friend who needs a little pampering and some time for just her. It can be a single Mom that is very deserving. A friend who works way too many hours. A cancer survivor. Or, maybe you know a pregnant woman or a woman that just had a baby. Nominate anyone deserving Curvy Girl you know who you think should receive a very healing and nurturing massage from my friend Lindsay of The Mommy Spa.

The Mommy Spa
The Mommy Spa is just down the street from Curvy Girl. My friend Lindsay is the founder of the Mommy Spa. Lindsay’s massage practice specializes in massage for Moms and expecting Moms. Lindsay also has a specialty in massage for cancer patients, too. (The Mommy Spa is at Dao Healing Center at 1685 Westwood Dr, San Jose, CA 95125 and you can call or text Lindsay at : 408-506-4024)
Lindsay and I are sponsoring this because we know that there are so many of you that need a little pampering and relaxation. So we are joining together to sponsor this and the way you can participate is to go to the COMMENTS section here on my blog and tell us WHO you would like to nominate and WHY you would like to nominate them. Try to limit to your response to about 150 words.
Take a moment to think about all of the hard working, over stressed, under pampered women that you know and nominate one of them here on my blog. Lindsay will go through them all and choose one very deserving Curvy Girl! We will notify the winner on June 28th and schedule a very relaxing, soothing, nurturing massage from Linsday and The Mommy Spa.
Thank you Lindsay and The Mommy Spa! And if you want to book a massage of your own from Lindsay or her staff, you can go to Lindsay’s webpage and schedule your massage online. www.TheMommySpa.com www.Facebook.com/TheMommySpa
The Mommy Spa is proud to offer the following services:
- Pregnancy Massage
- Postpartum Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Acupressure
- Hot Stone Massage
- Wellness Massage
- Energy Modalities
- Oncology Massage for people living with cancer
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Reiki
- Polarity