Photo Credit : TLC Facebook Page “Strange Love”
File this under bad ass beautiful women! My customer and friend, Annalisa Hackleman is soon to be featured on an episode of TLC’s series called “Strange Love.”
The show’s name is sort of unfortunate, because love is fucking love. And, I know a bit more of the back store behind Annalisa’s facial hair and her relationship with her husband then most. He is not IN LOVE with her because she has facial hair. Her facial hair is a symptom of her disease P.C.O.S. and actually probably has very little to do with their relationship. Annalisa’s P.C.O.S. is something she has to deal with every day of her life – so in that way it is something they both have to deal with as PART of their relationship. But, it sort of looks like TLC is positioning this a bit like it’s WHY he is into her. (Be sure to LIKE Annalisa’s FACEBOOK page here.)
I hope I am wrong and we won’t really know what TLC is doing with their episode “Strange Love” but what I am asking all of you is to HELP spread the LOVE and help out when you see people saying mean shit about Annalisa and her facial hair. (It looks like her episode will air around the end of March or early April when I checked my DirecTV guide so we won’t really know until then.)
What I see when I see Annalisa’s facial hair is a ballsy, bad ass bitch who is putting herself in a position where she is going to be trolled and ridiculed by complete strangers who will have an opinion about her facial hair and her body. People will pick her a part because of her weight (she is a Curvy girl) and because she sometimes chooses not to OBSESS about her facial hair. She sometimes allows it to grow in and GASP… go grocery shopping…. or to just live her life with her facial hair. (As we like to say here at Curvy Girl – if you do not like it – then don’t look. Avert your eyes, haters. Please and Thank You.)
Between Whitney Way Thore’s new show all about her “Big, Fat, Fabulous Life” and Annalisa – these two bad ass women are going to teach the world all about PCOS and the effects it can have on a woman’s body. (Besides facial hair, it can also make it difficult to conceive and can also make it incredibly difficult to lose weight. Additionally, when you have PCOS you can gain weight sometimes 50 – 100 lbs in a month. So, be sure you know ALL of the facts before you start talking shit about anyone’s body size or their facial hair…. well pretty much just NO commenting on other bodies ever is what I would really enjoy.)
The hate has begun on the TLC fan page when they featured Annalisa and her husband’s pic on their Facebook page. But, you know what else happened? A bunch of strangers jumped on board and told those people with their asinine comments to STFU.
So, that is my favor to ask. My favor is for you to go and LIKE Annalisa’s Unveiling PCOS page. Annalisa also happens to be a photographer and does a lot of pin up photography. She is working very hard to help people understand PCOS and to create a spirit of empathy and compassion. So support her in this way if you would, please. And, my other favor I want to ask of each of you is to DEFEND her when you see her picture floating around Instagram or Facebook. We are all in this together and we need to support each other and defend each other.
Annalisa’s body, facial hair and life are her business. NO ONE gets to tell her how to have a body and NO ONE gets to tell her what to do with her facial hair. Applaud what she is doing – educating people about the disease. So, help her with the haters when you can and defend her right to exist in any way she wants to exist. I would greatly appreciate you telling the haters and trolls you see talking shit that they should STFU. Please and Thank You.
And, you all might like to know also that Annalisa is also a very accomplished photographer here in the Bay Area. Her business is Snapshot Ninja and she is here in Sunnyvale, but I have seen her travel all over to pin up photo shoots – so if her story inspires you and you want to work with her, check out Annalisa’s photography website and facebook page : www.facebook.com/SnapShotNinjaPhotography
or www.snapshotninjaphotography.com . I love supporting other women owned businesses. She does really sexy boudoir and pin up style photography. Call her up and book an appointment with her.
Sincerely, Chrystal Bougon