Why is it so far fetched to believe that a fat person might just be happy in the shell they inhabit? Why do so many people assume I am in a holding pattern until I lose my “excess” weight? I am OBSESSED with living now. Living out loud. There is nothing I have on hold until I reduce down to some magical “perfect” weight. I hope you are NOT putting yourself in a holding pattern. Seriously. Life is way to short to give a rats butt what someone thinks of your body… not to mention their opinion of you is not your business. (This is where I need your help though. I need your help in sharing our campaign or donate a buck or two. Here is the link for more info.)
This is why I want to create a Curvy Girl Lingerie T.V. Show. I want to show Fat AND Happy humans in the media. Not all of us want to starve ourselves to get to some weight that someone has deemed to be the “ideal.”
I want to show off my customers who come into our store to buy sexy lingerie and naughty dresses to wear out. I want to feature fat women and couples who are busy LIVING and not busy DIETING.
We meet so many sexy, thick and fat women and couples on a daily basis and they are all busy traveling, cooking, taking classes, going to swingers parties, organizing fundraisers, hiking, taking their kids on vacation, camping, dancing, dining out, barbecuing with their friends, zip lining, creating new businesses, blogging, exercising, taking zumba and pole dancing and just every thing imaginable.
And, I know this sounds crazy to the majority of America and the world – but my fat, thick and plush customers have lots of HOT SEX. Yes, fat people having crazy kinky sexy. Some of them having crazy vanilla sex. All kinds of sex. We are plus size and sexual beings who are wearing sexy clothes and doing crazy things like wearing horizontal stripes! (oooooh, crazy, I know. we do not hold back around here.)
Are you ready to live out loud? Are you ready for more fat and happy bodies in the media? I would love to feature all of you who are not at home HATING your body. I want to feature my customers who are living their lives balls out full throttle. I know so many of you are like that. I want the world to get to meet all of you!
What are your thoughts on this topic? Share here with me. Share your ideas and your advice and opinions please.
Thanks everyone. Love, Chrystal
and you can come tell me on our Facebook page, too.